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Topics - golfman

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Pattern Requests. / pattern request
« on: June 09, 2015, 07:16:02 pm »
I am looking for a pattern of a banana hanger any suggestions ? 

General Scroll Saw Talk / DeWalt boat anchor
« on: July 18, 2014, 03:44:04 pm »
The front to back blade movement on the DeWalt saw i bought makes it impossible to cut any fine scroll work I think ill take up fishing and buy a boat i already have an anchor. I will never buy anything with that name on it again.  No help from them they claim nothing can be done

The Coffee Shop / Moving to Florida
« on: July 29, 2013, 09:08:50 am »
We have just completed our move from Michigan to Port Charolette Florida now to unpack set up a workshop, get auto plates, drivers license,dog license,and stop getting lost we can enjoy this beautiful state. Lived in Michigan all of my 63 years I never want to shovel snow again.There is so much to learn,see and do. My wife and I are excited to begin this chapter in our life.   

The Coffee Shop / Moving to Florida
« on: June 01, 2013, 05:28:06 am »
I just sold my home in Michigan and will be going to Port Charlotte Fla to look at houses.We are excited and scared any tips for this adventure?

General Scroll Saw Talk / Donation
« on: February 04, 2013, 05:22:05 am »
Since I have been scrolling the last two years I have given most of my work away to friends and neighbors. when someone comes over and says I like that I tell them its yours. I scroll for my pleasure. I also get many requests that I do for free. I have decided to ask for a five dollar donation for each project half for supplies and the other half I will save and donate to Steve for the pattern to show my apprecation.Without this site Steve and all the great people here I would not be enjoying this hobby.   Tom

Pattern Requests. / Praying hands
« on: February 04, 2013, 04:50:18 am »
I made Steve's pattern luminary the one with a flower and night light inside it came out great. [Thanks Steve] Does anyone know where I can get some praying hands to put on the front instead of the flower? I am assuming its ok to modify the pattern its for a friend of mine. Tom

General Scroll Saw Talk / New 788 problem
« on: August 29, 2012, 11:00:47 am »
I have had my new Dewalt for a week and have tried differnt tensions speed and blades. I am cutting half inch BB when i go to a long curve I cant stay on line the blade seems to twist this never happend on my old craftsman. there is some front to back movement on the blade about an eighth of an inch could this be my problem? There is a repair center nearby should I take it in or is there something I can do? I will be thankful for any suggestions I am getting frustrated.

General Scroll Saw Talk / New saw is here
« on: August 16, 2012, 08:27:05 am »
My new dw788 was deliverd yesterday I was like a kid at Christmas. My order went in on Monday and it was delivered on Wednesday good job from CPO.The difference between the dw and my craftsman is amazing. My golf clubs are going to miss me.

General Scroll Saw Talk / New saw
« on: August 10, 2012, 04:40:56 pm »
Has anyone bought a DeWalt scroll saw from CPO and were you satisfied with them they seem to have the best price for a 788 at 550.00 with stand and light.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Cutting Padauk
« on: July 09, 2012, 02:53:15 pm »
I just got a nice piece of half inch Padauk any one have tips on cutting this wood like what blade would you use and the best way to finish.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Staining Pine
« on: June 16, 2012, 06:05:42 am »
I have made fretwork picture frames for my wife out of half inch pine. We have ten grandchildren so I cut one for each with their name.The problem is she wants a dark stain on them. Is it possible to dip them in stain. Has anyone tried this.I suggested to her I paint them but was vetoed .

General Scroll Saw Talk / Delta saw at Woodcraft
« on: February 04, 2012, 06:55:13 pm »
Went to the local Woodcraft store today the sale of the Delta saw started at 9 am on the 28th and they sold all seven they had in two hours. I guess my old trusty Craftsman will have to last a little longer. I will keep an eye on Craigslist.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Thanks for the compliments
« on: January 19, 2012, 06:32:32 am »
Thank you for the wonderful compliments on the Effiel Tower pics. I started this hobby last Feburary and learned everything from this site.I am proud of what I accomplished and all of you helped me.Thanks again.I worked on this project on and off for about five months doing other projects in between under the watchful eye of my pet Max. I am leaving for Naples Florida in the morning for eight days of golf because the weather here in Michigan is awful.I will miss my this community, my buddy Max, my workshop oh yea and my wife too. :)

Brag Forum / Eiffel tower
« on: January 18, 2012, 06:20:12 pm »
Finally done

General Scroll Saw Talk / Portrait cutting
« on: January 16, 2012, 06:50:22 pm »
I have learned a lot from this family in the last eight months. Last week I finished the Effiel Tower from plans from Wildwood and will post a pic as soon as I figure out how. Today I tried to cut the big cat from Steve's catalog and failed miserably. I stacked three 1/8 bb and used a #3 FD SR blade. What is a good way to cut portraits?  Thank you for any help you can give me

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