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Topics - MR1001NIGHTS

Pages: [1]
My Old 1980s German Hegner polymax is not working. The motor spins just fine, but when I attach the belt, it makes a humming sound and doesn’t work. Someone had mentioned that it could be the capacitor. But if the capacitor didn’t work, why would the motor be spinning OK?

Introduce Yourself. / Hi everybody
« on: October 12, 2019, 07:33:35 pm »
My name is Jonathan. I live in San Francisco and about four years ago I bought a 1986 Hegner Polymax 3 in great shape for $700. It came with some extras too. The guy told me that it had been sitting in his garage for 25 years not doing anything. Anyway, I bolted it to a small sturdy table and it’s been a great useful thing to have for all kinds of projects. I did, of course, watch some of Steve’s videos and others to learn some of the basics. Anyway, the other day I hurt my big toe and I needed to minimize motion so I proceeded to cut myself some hard plastic insoles in the Scroll saw. Then something happened and the scroll saw stopped working. I now only hear a hum when I turn it on. I read somewhere that it’s probably the capacitor. So I have a few questions for anybody who could help me: where in the machine is the capacitor, what kind of capacitor is it and where can I buy it? Thank you

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