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Topics - MarkAnthony

Pages: [1]
Ask Steve a question. / I am looking to buy new scroll saw
« on: November 13, 2018, 07:08:22 am »
Hello, as the title says I am looking to buy a new scroll saw. At the minute I am using a fairly cheap scroll saw which cost around £100, undoing and tightening the blade is a bit of a pain. So I have decided to look for an upgrade, which I am hoping will make it easier to do fretwork.
I like the look of the Excalibur Scroll Saw, but not sure if they still make them under that name. So on searching I found this saw, hope the link works.

Can I ask a question which is, is it worth the money and will it help me to do better work having an expensive saw.

Thanks for any help and suggestions.

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