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Topics - Rob Z

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself. / Ya, Another Texas guy :)
« on: June 10, 2018, 06:05:03 pm »
I'm located in Texarkana, TX about 1/2 way between Dallas and Little Rock.

Well as I did Scroll work about 20 years ago I can't call my self new. But I can say that it is a world of difference so I might as well be new.

The resources now are amazing. I can remember waiting on Wood magazine and hoping they had something on Scroll Saw. If not you were on your own. Now, just on Steve's site there are thousands of patterns. (yes I purchased the PDF).

After watching several videos on saws and then doing my own hands on I settled on the Dewalt 788. This is just worlds ahead of the original Dremell I used to have. :) I just ordered a set of blades to see if there really is a difference from those at the local Home Depot.

Thanks, Y'all have a great day :)

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