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Topics - trollmomjo

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself. / Just dropping a line
« on: August 17, 2016, 05:07:21 pm »
Hi, Everyone,
 Just thought I would drop a line or two to let you know who I am. I'm am a newbie at wood working with the scroll saw. I was the tomboy who loved to take wood shop instead of home economics. I fell in love with woodworking when I made my first flowerpot holder that looked like a wishing well. First time my mom said I had a talent. Other then talking people's ears off. LOL So, now I am trying the scroll saw and loving it so far. I hope I get to make some very nice friends on here and we will be able to share our thought, hopes and ideas. Looking forward to having many new wood working friends. Thanks, for reading and happy scrolling!

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