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Topics - jimbo

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General Scroll Saw Talk / I'm
« on: September 25, 2010, 09:32:14 pm »
No idiot I didn't put my blade in upside down, I PUT mine in back to front and wondered why it was not cutting

The Coffee Shop / Saving
« on: September 25, 2010, 09:19:18 pm »
First day of day light saving in NZ and it was as dark as night when I got up 7am and it was not much better at 8am, the weather doesn't help either, I hate day light saving it is messing with nature, what are your thoughts

General Scroll Saw Talk / New mop
« on: September 23, 2010, 11:12:35 pm »
Made a new sanding mop today and followed Steve's instructions to the letter, DON'T use your band saw to cut the sand paper, it works fine but it wrecks the blade, also dulled the drill bit, I am hopeful that I will be able to resharpen my band saw blade if it is not bad.
The sanding mop turned out fine I used a roll 150 grit paper I had given to me it is a bit stiff but should be OK, not sure why they are not available to buy in NZ. I have also looked around for a flap sander but as yet have not seen them

General Scroll Saw Talk / Sanding mop
« on: September 21, 2010, 10:55:11 pm »
Does any one have plans for making a sanding mop?  I have made one but I may not have enough sand paper on it

The Coffee Shop / Sales table
« on: September 20, 2010, 03:41:48 pm »
Woodcraft has been and gone and the crowds did not come hence poor sales, if it had not been for my new range of scroll work it would have been a wasted 2 1/2 days, I sold 33 pieces of scroll work 25 of those were puzzles, so in my opinion it was a pleasing result, sales over all for me were 50% down on last year but some had no sales at all so I can not really complain, I have more pics I will post at a latter date

The Coffee Shop / Away
« on: September 16, 2010, 03:19:14 am »
Hi Guys and Gals I will be away from frid. NZ time till Sun. NZ time, I have our guilds wood craft show set up frid and sales sat. and sun, first time for scroll work so am looking forward to what people have to say, I have never seen it in my city before for sale, will post pics and let you all know whether it has been worth it, I may have to invest in a fire place

General Scroll Saw Talk / Mug
« on: September 15, 2010, 09:39:59 pm »
Cut rings out for mug today and glued them, it is not looking very promising, may have to put it on the lathe to finish outside and do the inner with a tube sander, it may end up the joke of the year

The Coffee Shop / Where is
« on: September 14, 2010, 02:52:25 am »
Dawie haven't seen him for a while hope all is well

General Scroll Saw Talk / Blades
« on: September 12, 2010, 10:59:53 pm »
Any one notice that blades out of the same batch dull or break quicker that others, I was using a blade today and it did not seem to be cutting so changed it only to have the new blade break after about 10 minutes cutting so I put the old one back and finished the project, a further 40 mins. any theories??

Pattern Requests. / Patern request
« on: September 11, 2010, 04:20:27 pm »
Could some one please help, I would like a pattern of my youngest grandson Lachlan he is 8 months old and very special, I have 2 others twins that I would like done at a later date.
Thank you in advance

General Scroll Saw Talk / saw speed
« on: September 09, 2010, 11:26:27 pm »
At the scroll saw work shop I attended a few weeks ago I was asked by the instructor why I was cutting at such a high speed [just under half], he turned the speed rite down and said try that, and I have been cutting at a low speed ever since, I have only broken 1 blade and they are lasting a lot longer, in fact I have worn the teeth off 3 blades on hard wood and no breakages, so I was wondering why they have speeds up to 1600 SPM on saws??? I have found I have more control at a lower speed and just as fast

The Coffee Shop / Quicker
« on: September 05, 2010, 04:20:12 pm »
Are things getting quicker around here? or is it just the time of day I have noticed the speed the last couple of days is near back to normal

The Coffee Shop / Up date
« on: September 04, 2010, 05:53:41 pm »
The latest damage report is an estimate of 2 billion $ of damage but I think that is only the CBD area as the housing areas are wide spread down there and it will take time to get all damage reports, there is also heavy rain and winds predicted that wont help the matter, There is no reported deaths but a number of serious injuries most caused by falling debris
We are off to our daughters farm for fathers day and her birthday so wont know much more untill we are back home tonight

The Coffee Shop / NZ shaker
« on: September 04, 2010, 02:05:08 am »
Once again guys thanks for the concern for all in NZ, the quake was the biggest we have had for many years and to have the epicenter in the middle of the 4th largest city is not the best, the pics shown on TV, only show a small part of what is going on, many buildings in the city have been destroyed and thousands of homes have been damaged, the only good thing so far is that there have been no deaths, lots of serious injuries, there is a state of emergency and police and army are being called in to keep an eye on things.
One of the major problems is the city is situated on sand and silt and the quake has brought up sand and silt onto the roads covering holes and cavities plus man holes that have blown off, at 3pm there had been 21 after shocks up to 7 on the scale and they expect more to follow, damages is in the mil$$ and will take time to sort. I am sure that all NZ is in their prayers tonight and that the weather is kind them in the next few days

Brag Forum / Footy team
« on: September 03, 2010, 02:46:38 am »
footy team [rugby in NZ] 15 a side and one emergency

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