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Topics - Russ C

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The Coffee Shop / The Man Song
« on: December 09, 2012, 05:09:48 pm »
Funny video and song. The women will defiantly love this one.  ::)  ::)  ::)

The Man Song

The Coffee Shop / My Morning Surprise w/ Pics
« on: December 01, 2012, 12:25:19 pm »
So I was strolling out to the mail box this morning and what to my wondering eyes did appear. No not Santa, his butt is to big to fit in my mail box  :D.

My Christmas Ornaments. Actually I think they may have arrived yesterday but I was so busy I didn't check. Inside the box was five beautiful ornaments and a wonderful Christmas card from Marion. Thank you very much Marion and did I say how beautiful they are. The card was also personally made for me.  ;)

I will get some pictures and update this post as soon as I can, so check back. I want to try to get good pics so everyone can see how fantastic they are.

Once again, thank you so very much Marion. I am overwhelmed with joy.  :)



The Coffee Shop / Large Anaconda Found
« on: November 28, 2012, 08:03:57 am »
Warning: Trust me, not for the faint of heart.


The Coffee Shop / Ghost in the Elevator
« on: November 27, 2012, 09:29:20 pm »
Ok, this is a little scary although I was LMBO. I can imagine why some would freak out.  :o

Elevator Prank

The Coffee Shop / Friends Missing
« on: November 25, 2012, 03:42:07 pm »
Sorry, I couldn't resist. LMBO  :D  :D  :D

The Coffee Shop / Happy Thanksgiving!
« on: November 22, 2012, 07:57:21 am »
Have a wonderful day with your families today and be sure to stuff (LOL) yourself.

Russ  :)

The Coffee Shop / Ho Ho Ho Reinbeers
« on: November 19, 2012, 02:58:26 pm »
I got a good laugh out of this one.  :D  :D  :D

The Coffee Shop / Spam and Porn Posts
« on: November 02, 2012, 10:38:06 am »
There have been some spam and porn posts recently. The process for becoming a member (registration) is free and easy. You only need a valid email address to register. Sometimes we will have a few bad guys slip through.

Everyone needs to remember this is a free site. All time is donated by volunteers who keep the site running and who moderate all posts. Once a report has been made I will respond as soon as time permits from my normal daily life. Sometimes it may take a little longer than some may expect but this is the best that I can do. If a post is made late at night my time (United States EST) it might be the next morning before it is removed.

So rude or derogatory remarks are not welcome. Just report the post and move on, there is no need to make remarks. In the future I will deal with anyone posting any rude or derogatory remarks about this administration. This is the one and only warning.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Spam and Porn Posts
« on: November 02, 2012, 10:36:38 am »
There have been some spam and porn posts recently. The process for becoming a member (registration) is free and easy. You only need a valid email address to register. Sometimes we will have a few bad guys slip through.

Everyone needs to remember this is a free site. All time is donated by volunteers who keep the site running and who moderate all posts. Once a report has been made I will respond as soon as time permits from my normal daily life. Sometimes it may take a little longer than some may expect but this is the best that I can do. If a post is made late at night my time (United States EST) it might be the next morning before it is removed.

So rude or derogatory remarks are not welcome. Just report the post and move on, there is no need to make remarks. In the future I will deal with anyone posting any rude or derogatory remarks about this administration. This is the one and only warning.


Brag Forum / Just in time for Halloween
« on: October 21, 2012, 11:41:18 am »
Here is one I make around this time of year.  8)

The Coffee Shop / Help Save The Wildlife
« on: October 17, 2012, 01:42:48 pm »
Now that is one smart deer LMBO.  :D

Pattern Requests. / Dracula's Pub Sign
« on: October 10, 2012, 11:07:21 am »
Here is another on for Halloween I thought I would share.  :)

Pattern Requests. / Happy Halloween Pumpkin Scene
« on: October 09, 2012, 08:50:14 pm »
Here is one I made last year for Halloween. Hope you enjoy.  8)

The Coffee Shop / Members Health Update
« on: October 07, 2012, 09:46:12 am »
I know a few of our family/members have had some serious health problems in the past like Judy Hunter and Gabby. I am sorry if I didn't mention your name. Those two are the first to come to my mind, you know how this old-timers disease effects your memory.  ::) LOL

I do see there posts from time to time but I was just wondering how all of you have been and if you wouldn't mind giving us an health update.
This means anyone who I have missed mentioning too. Everyone is important so once again even if I forgot, refresh our memory.  :)

Thanks Russ.

P.S. I could set this as a sticky topic but it would be above the Christmas Exchange, so I will bump it to the top from time to time just so everyone has a chance to respond.

The Coffee Shop / Little Ole Lady
« on: August 23, 2012, 08:59:58 am »
A doctor on his morning walk, noticed the old lady pictured below,
sitting on her front step smoking a cigar, so he walked up to her and said,
"I couldn't help but notice how happy you look! What is your secret?"
"I smoke ten cigars a day," she said. "Before I go to bed, I smoke a nice big joint.
Apart from that, I drink a whole bottle of Jack Daniels every week, and eat only junk food.
On weekends, I pop pills, get wild with the boys, and don't exercise at all."

"That is absolutely amazing! How old are you?"

"Forty-four," she replied.

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