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Topics - Danny

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The Coffee Shop / Does Anyone use a Home "Air Purifier" ?
« on: December 29, 2013, 05:07:38 pm »
My Wife n I were talking about WHERE DOES THE "DUST" COME FROM? 
Googled and Air Purifier sounds good for various air things.

Does any of you use this and if so would you please give us some feedback?

PROS AND CONS....  Thank You All....  Danny  :+}

Wanted to post this in the Coffee shop, but wouldn't let me post a pic.  Hope this be OK. ?

While sorting out our spare bedroom which is a collect all I ran across a full box of
National Geographic mags in Perfectly New Condition.  They range from ..1981 thru 1989..
The belonged to my Father In Law who has long been deceased.  He lived with our family for years and years.  Anyway my Question....Hope one of you are familiar with this subject and can lead me on to MAYBE RICHES.  LOL  Hope.....Maybe.... 

              Thanks for any Assistance.  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Another "Cross" with Extra.... :+}
« on: December 27, 2013, 12:17:52 pm »
Hello everyone....  Besides wanting to share my Newest Cross with ya's I also want to kind of prove a point as to what I have been yacking about with using Adhesive back paper for my patterns.  The first picture is the Paper Pattern that was used to cut the Cross.  Lightly heat and as you can see the pattern lifted in one piece.  Yea!  Always does.  The Cross is from SSWC
Mag.  Think Jim Nelson is the designer.  Don't know which issue.  Anyway I always just LOVE
to read all of your Feed back....  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Heres another Victorian Cross.... :+}
« on: December 23, 2013, 12:47:57 pm »
This will be my SECOND Cross to start with.  I would LOVE to keep cutting this type of Cross and eventually have many of them.  Hint. Hint....  Patterns would be Super....:+}

As usual Pros n Cons are invited.............Thanks for Looking....  Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Using "Painters Tape" --OR NOT-- :+}
« on: December 22, 2013, 04:22:14 pm »
This subject has come n gone, but I just had to say my feelings. 
     Have been Scrolling for 8 years.  The Majority of them I followed
the methods proven by other members which is applying Painters Tape
to the Wood blank and using Spray Glue applied to the Top of the Painters Tape
and also to the bottom of the Pattern..........WELL....... I have been CONVERTED.

I experimented with ....White 8.5X11 sheets which has a Peel Off back and will
STICK to the Wood Blank PERFECTLY.  I have successfully Completed DOZENS
of projects using this and all it takes to remove the Pattern is a little HEAT. 
I use a cheap Heat Gun.  Only takes MINUTES to take the pattern off. 

When I think of all the MONEY I have spent on PAINTERS TAPE and SPRAY GLUE
it makes me feel ILL.  LOL 

I bought 250 sheets of the self stick sheets on EBAY for $15.00 Last Year. 

Sorry for this being so lengthy, but I just had to say MY FEELINGS....  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Victorian Cross.... :+}
« on: December 20, 2013, 05:17:54 pm »
Hi all....  This Cross will test your ability to cut Curves and turning the blade on a dime. Quickly
I cut 2 up with BB 1/4".  Think I should of cut one up on a Thicker Stock.  To late!  Did cut a backer for both.  Was fun cutting it once I got my confidence up.  Danny  :+}

I WISHED I had of, BUT wasn't there, so didn't get in the Christmas Ornament Drawing.
                                        My Very Good Friend Marcel sent me these
                                               Two Beautiful Ornaments.
I want to take this moment to Wish Everyone in Our Scrolling Family a.........

FRIENDS WITH ALL...................Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / My Hegner is Sick.... :+(
« on: November 15, 2013, 11:12:50 am »
Hey peoples.  Its a Lonely type of feeling to know Scrolling will not be for the day.  Might be this way for many days.  Terrible isn't it?  For those with Hegners there is a Connecting Link from the Motor to the Top operating Arm.  This part ONLY has a HAIR LINE CRACK on one end.  Its serious enough to cause the table to VIBRATE.  One day a nickle could be balanced and the saw running to now that nickle would go flying.  LOL  Not really. 

The Brand Smakin New Part is ordered.  Anyway just thought to Post this....  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / A Sheila Landry Pattern.... :+}
« on: November 12, 2013, 12:33:10 pm »
Cut 2 of this Pattern.  One for each of my Daughters for Christmas.  Used good ole
1/4 BB with a 1/8 bb for a backer.  Enjoyed cutting this pattern.  First one with
having to cut the inside (cross) at 5 degrees.  Thoughts + or - as always....  Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / My One and Only Craft Show per Year....:+}
« on: November 11, 2013, 02:35:14 pm »
Well Saturday came n went.  $496.00 in sells....Sunday rather slow $111.00 in sells.
I am Very Happy with the Grand Total of $607.00....Yea!  Better Christmas and still
have enough to decide on something for ME.  I did post Compound Bird Houses way
back yonder.  Made 56 and had what I say is a Great Display.  Started out with a
sign of $5 ea.  Afternoon came and NONE sold.  Dropped to $4 and they started to
move.  Long story short.  After 2 days 19 of them are back home with me.  I feel
that if I priced them at $3 each I would of sold out, so next year 100 of um at $3.
Fretwork Boxes did not sell.  Not one of the 6 I had.  Religious crafts all sold. (9)
Portraits at $25.  Beatles and Duck Dynasty (3 and 4 sold)  None of the other portraits
sold.  Little College Decal bird houses-NONE sold.  Over-all came home with 4 full
boxes of crafts.  Now its deciding who I give each to for Christmas Gifts.  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Lil Birdie Homes.... :+}
« on: October 21, 2013, 06:39:42 pm »
Hey All....  November is my Only Show.  Have lots of Inventory, but just wanted to say n show this Display and Of Course I just LOVE Comments....  :+}

A Lady Friend from Church has 2 small consignment businesses and I sent her pics. of my crafts for her opinion on Pricing.  Well I was Disappointed some what.  Said these Compound cutting of the Bird Houses she would only Price at $3.00 each.  I had thoughts of $5.00 or even Higher.
Guess I see at the Craft Show.  Economy at present Just Might Be A Problem.  Yes? 

Anyway just wanted to pass on this Info....   Thanks for Looking..................Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / Mahendra....?....
« on: October 06, 2013, 07:18:10 pm »
Does anyone have Mahendra's home address?  Him and I have been sharing emails for a
while now, but I haven't heard from him in over a week.  He just went thru a Major Back
Surgery and....YES....  I am worried about him....
                                      Thanks ....  Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Concerning using the POLAR Blades. ? .
« on: September 29, 2013, 08:07:55 pm »
Well after cutting 15 different Compound Ornaments using a UR#1 blade I read/heard
about what seems to many is the Blade of Choice for cutting thick wood.  Say 2inches.
I have been cutting 2inch Popular with success using the UR#1.  I have finished/cut
ONE ornament using the Polar and Was a Tough Go from the Start.  Even started having
thoughts I had the blade in upside down, but didn't-Teeth down.  As of now I do not feel
I will ever use the Polar for a compound cut again unless I am using Balsa wood. 
....................................Unless someone can explain what I might be doing incorrect?

Thanks for the Replys.......................Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Cutting Compound Patterns.... :+(
« on: September 23, 2013, 11:43:18 am »
Just wondering. 
     Example.... 2 inch Pine stock.  Cut from Store bought 2x4 Recently.
                       Very SLOW cutting.  Used UR5.  Also tried other blade types Slow!
                       Cut 15 Compound bird houses from a 2x4 that I had sitting in my
                        shop for over a year.  Some what on the slow side, but not boring.

My feelings are maybe store bought lumber is bought on the side of still being wet and HARD.

QUESTION......................IS THERE A ....BETTER BLADE.... for this purpose????
                                          Thanks to any that reply......................Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Mini-Bird House Ornaments....
« on: September 20, 2013, 09:01:14 pm »
Can you see the ONE Upside-down?  Blush  Anyway these are a Diana Thompson Designs.
Used a 2x4 ripped down to make 2-- 1.25 Sq. blocks 4 foot long.  Was more of a Slow Go
with cutting them as compared to a normal Portrait Or>  I had lots of fun cutting them as
it was always a Surprise when I pulled out the shape in the middle.  Like a Chick getting
ready to be hatched.  Funny huh?  Anyway any good or bad comments will be nice....  +}

Couldn't resist showing my Paint Booth.  What remains of a childs toy box....AND....
Can you guess which College Football Team will again be SEC Champions this year?

Thanks for looking peoples..................Danny  :+}

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