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Topics - EIEIO

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The Coffee Shop / India
« on: September 12, 2013, 03:03:47 am »
Arrived in Mumbai (Bombay) last night and in Kolkata (Calcutta) today for a consulting job. 15 hours from Newark NJ to Mumbai in the cheap seats. I'll post some photos soon.

The Coffee Shop / the Sub-Continent
« on: September 12, 2013, 02:37:11 am »
Landed in Mumbai, India last night, and got to Kolkata (Calcutta) today. Will post some photos as soon as I figure out how to get them from the iPad.

Brag Forum / Bird Pub
« on: September 05, 2013, 05:56:37 pm »
No scrollwork here, but some might find it interesting.

This is an empty Newcastle mini-keg made into a bird house. It's a Win/Win situation - the birds get a new house and I get the best brown ale around.

The doorway is a 1.5" conduit adapter (glue to thread). The hole in the keg was cut with a sheet metal nibbler so the adapter can be screwed into the keg wall. A screw eye is forced into the valve at the top to hang it from a tree limb. The perch is a 4" long 1/4-20 hex bolt. I put some sand in the bottom to add some weight. If I get some birds, I'll post a photo.

Brag Forum / One for the Trekkies (or is that Trekkers?)
« on: September 04, 2013, 04:50:49 pm »
Live Long and Prosper! Pattern below.

Brag Forum / Tapered Drawer Box
« on: August 30, 2013, 08:02:29 pm »
This box uses a 10 degree angled cut to hold the drawer into the frame and to give the inside of the drawer sides a slant (easier to get stuff out). It is 3" x 6" x 1" birch with 1/8" BB Ply top and bottom. The drawer pull is from Hobby Lobby.

Brag Forum / Aslan
« on: August 28, 2013, 05:04:02 pm »
Something for the C. S. Lewis fans. 1/8" BB Ply with BB Ply backer stained Mahogany.

Ask Steve a question. / Size of an Embedded Image
« on: August 27, 2013, 08:41:03 am »
Using the embedded image button when posting seems to result in "width=320, height=240" (a fairly small image). Specifying a size does not change that final value. Is there a way to specify the size of an embedded image?


The Coffee Shop / Saggioculo?
« on: August 25, 2013, 09:36:10 am »
Has anyone heard from Saggioculo (Annie) lately? No response to a few PMs, and her email bounced. 

Ask Steve a question. / Vacuum hose adapters - any input appreciated
« on: August 20, 2013, 08:37:12 am »
I have a DeWalt D26451K palm sander. It came with a dust collection bag that attaches to the sander with a twist-on connection. Does anyone know where to get this type adapter to connect to a central dust collector, or is there another way to connect a hose to this sander? 

Toy Makers / String Top
« on: August 18, 2013, 06:14:36 pm »
Here's a top based on Steve Good's rubber band top, but using a pull string. The top stays spinning a surprisingly long time. The handle is 1" birch, the disk is 3/8" x 3" black walnut, and the dowel is 5/16" x 4" long. Finished with Feed n wax.
When it hits the floor, it skitters around like a small animal - fascinating to small kids (and me).   

Toy Makers / Push Toy Chicken
« on: August 12, 2013, 09:10:46 pm »
The Runner Duck I posted earlier was too hard for the 2 year old grandniece to operate. It is tall and narrow and she kept tipping it sideways.
This is a low C.G. hen made for her. It is based on this image posted on line:

The outline is cut from poplar 5" tall, then 2 copies of the body below the neck are cut and glued on either side. That gives is some width so it doesn't tip too easily. Then 2.5" wheels, with the center holes offset 1/8" for a 1/4" dowel. The offset makes her waddle as she rolls. The push stick is a 3/8" dowel with a small wheel glued to the end (anti "poke-in-the-eye" tip). Spray painted Krylon Red paint+primer then trimmed with Krylon Canary Yellow for the wheels and beak. The eye is a 1/4" dowel rounded on both ends.


Brag Forum / Knife, sheath, and box
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:32:38 am »
This is a 2" blade skinner from Woodcraft. The handles are Padauk, sheath is a wrap around and stitch, and the box is finger joined from that 3/16 cedar fire starter stuff. Top is a friction fit.

Toy Makers / Runner Duck
« on: August 06, 2013, 11:12:57 am »
Here's a push duck for little kids - 3 or 4. Our 2 year old grandniece can't quite keep it upright, but the 4 year old has no problem. It reminds me of the duck in the movie "Babe" who realized that Roosters didn't get eaten so he started crowing every morning.  :D :D :D

The plans are from here:

I left the wheels just pushed on so I can disassemble it to paint. It's made from 7/8" ash body and wheels with 1/4" oak ply wings. The feet are cut from a piece of rubber roofing. The axle and the eye are 1/4" oak dowels. The push sick is 3/8" oak dowel 18" long with a thread spool on the end.

I like the grain so may just shellac it rather than paint.

Brag Forum / Wind River knives
« on: August 03, 2013, 03:26:16 pm »
Here are a couple of knives bought as kits from Woodcraft.

The Skinner handles are 3/8" Padauk. Blade is 2" long stainless.
The Tanto handles are 1/4" red oak. Blade is 6" long stainless. Very nice weight for a utility knife in the kitchen.

Both were polished with red rouge. The Padauk polished to a soft glow. Note how the porous oak grain has accepted the rouge and made a nice looking finish (IMHO).

Both are epoxied and pinned with screw rivets that came with the kit.

I bought these knives a few months back during a sale at Woodcraft. The kits sold for $10 each at the time. Thanks to Billthediver for the lead.

Toy Makers / Open Source Toy Handsaw
« on: August 03, 2013, 08:58:22 am »
Here's a 10" handsaw as 1st installment on the kid's workshop portfolio. I'll try to keep the format in tact in future designs.

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