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Topics - Martin

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Brag Forum / Whitby, UK, steam bus
« on: August 11, 2013, 05:52:45 pm »
Many, many thanks to Ray (EIEIO) for the excellent pattern. This is on my usual rubbish ply and there's lots wrong that's not immediately noticeable in the photo. I nearly scrapped it half way through but decided to finish it tonight as it looks OK from about 6ft away. :) I finally have some birch ply on the way so I will be cutting it again sometime soon. Overall size is about 10"x8".

Brag Forum / Chinese Dragon
« on: July 22, 2013, 03:52:31 pm »
Pattern made from a free vector clipart I found. I had the usual trials and tribulations that you get with rubbish ply with bits dropping off.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Hobbies treadle saws
« on: July 15, 2013, 06:54:05 pm »
I had a couple of old treadle fret saws given last Saturday and have made a start on restoring one. (The one on the right) When I say restoring, I mean bringing back to working condition, not factory condition, the paintwork certainly won't win any concours prizes. :) I think the saw is about 100 years old.

Brag Forum / Coupla love birds
« on: July 15, 2013, 05:46:35 pm »
Found the pattern on a Russian website -
I'll be glad when I have used all this rubbish ply. Plenty still to go at though.  ;D

Brag Forum / Is it a dat or a cog?
« on: July 10, 2013, 12:43:52 pm »
Spotted this, this afternoon and thought it looked effective so I cut it out of interest. The original drawing has a parrot in the cat. My attempt at whiskers was a disaster, so I cheated and drew some in. :)


Brag Forum / EIEIO's Model A
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:27:38 pm »
Unfortunately this car has been in a bit of a crash as it is broken in 3 or 4 places. In fact one piece is missing altogether as it disappeared up the vacuum cleaner pipe. The ply was terrible, too, because I still haven't got off my *** and gone out to get some BB ply. I actually started this a couple of weeks ago but threw it away half way through, but I dragged it out of the bin today and finished it off as a break from something else I was doing.

Thanks for the pattern, Ray. I promise to make a better job of it sometime. :)


Brag Forum / Steve Good tractor (I decided to oil it)
« on: June 20, 2013, 08:34:25 am »
I hid away in the garage yesterday instead of enjoying the sun and made this tractor during breaks from the lathe. It's from a Steve Good pattern. Still needs some finishing and I can't decide whether to paint it, varnish it or leave it as it is and chuck it in the corner. :mrgreen: It's made from a piece of wood that would be burglars broke off my gate, a bit of plywood, and the exhaust and axles are made from old paint brush handles.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Hegner link arm cracked
« on: May 15, 2013, 02:06:31 am »
Has any other Hegner owner had this problem? On mine, the ABS plastic link arm from the motor to the bottom arm has cracked between the bearing and the end of the arm. This is an expensive item for what it is, so I made a new one from alumin(i)um which I am hoping will do the job. Time will tell.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Question for UK members
« on: May 09, 2013, 02:53:27 am »
Where do you get Baltic Birch 3mm ply? Preferably somewhere close to me in the (West) Yorkshire area. I can find some 4mm at around 21GBP for a 4ftx8ft sheet, probably plus VAT, but I haven't managed to find any 3mm without buying online.


Pattern Requests. / Anyone fancy a try at a steam bus? :)
« on: May 02, 2013, 01:11:40 pm »
I'd like to cut a pic of this bus, although I'd prefer a 3/4 view rather than side on, but I can't find my other photos. No need for passengers or adverts as the bus is recognisable due to it being the only steam bus in the world with 3 axles, so I think a simple pattern is better. Any takers?
The attached photo is my own, but there's plenty of better ones at


Brag Forum / Tribal kitten
« on: April 20, 2013, 10:11:04 am »
Hi guys, I've been a bit busy recently but a couple of weeks ago I got myself a Hegner. I've been busy breaking blades since then, but hopefully I am sorted now. This is my first attempt with the Hegner.

This was found on the internet and posted on UKworkshop with the permission of the artist. It's part of a Photoshop brush which I blew up to make a pattern.

I had big problems breaking blades for the top half and consequently it took 4 days. The lower half took me a couple of hours, with the blade, unintentionally, upside down!  ;D


I want to make something for a friend for doing me a big favour recently. He has a small business selling old Suzuki motorbike spares, so I want to make something with his business name - G.S. Spares - in external letters on top, with Suzuki below with internal letters. I hope you know what I mean by external and internal, 'cause I think I just made it up.   ;D What's the easiest software to do this? Can it be done in Gimp? If so, is it possible someone could tell me how, or would it need a full tutorial?

edit: this one of steve's illustrates what I am wanting to do, but I want to use the correct fonts.

Pattern Requests. / Portrait patterns
« on: March 03, 2013, 03:01:50 pm »
Hi all, I feel a bit 'cheeky' asking here when I have been around such a short while and only made a couple of posts, but the worst that can happen is I'll be ignored. :) So here goes.

I have a couple of young Russian friends on ICQ who I have been helping with their English, and in return they have been helping me learn some Russian. In two years I have already learned the words for 'register', 'login', and 'download'. ;D Having seen some of the brilliant patterns and the portraits that have been  made from them, I thought I'd like to (attempt to) make a couple as presents for them, maybe in time for next christmas. :D I've had some success at making sketches from their photos, but making patterns from them seems to be beyond me, even with all the good tips around the forum. I was hoping someone would be kind enough to help me out and make one, or hopefully two, patterns for me. I'll post two photos of each person in case one of them is better for making a pattern and cutting.

Thanks, Martin.

Thanks, Martin.

Brag Forum / One from Steve's email. (I think)
« on: February 27, 2013, 02:24:05 pm »
I've had my scroll saw a month or so now and all my metal working tools and my motorbike are covered in sawdust. (grrr) One of my problems, especially as I don't drive 4 wheels, is getting hold of wood to mangle, so my first decent piece is cut from a piece of laminate flooring I'd acquired somwhere.
I've not had much experience (none in fact) for the intricate bits, so I used a spiral blade and it works for me, I think I only made one mistake.

It's a long way from what I have been jealously looking at on the forum, but it's mine and I'm proud of it, so I have to show it off.  ;D

Introduce Yourself. / Hi from the UK
« on: January 23, 2013, 05:45:05 am »
New to woodwork of any description, not just scrolling. I've always thought that metal was for making things, and wood was for burning. :) That outlook is changing rapidly after I managed to get a scroll saw relatively cheap. As I have Raynaud's phenomenon, I had been looking for something a little warmer to the touch to keep me occupied over the winter, and after doing some repairs to a friend's saw and having a brief go with it, I decided to give scroll sawing a go. A quick search for more info led here, and it looks like I have a lot to learn, even though at first it seemed relatively easy.

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