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Topics - Marcellarius

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Brag Forum / Just a Jigsaw Tree.... 2
« on: June 21, 2011, 12:56:56 pm »
Hello everyone.

as you have seen Danny and I did a jigsaw tree project.
was great to do Danny, thanks!

here's some data for mine:

3/4" pine with a Baltic birch backer.
I added a hardboard inlay in the tray/frame to stick out the pieces a bit.
acrylic paint with a clear lacker.

the names are of my cousin an niece, they have their first wedding anniversary coming up.

Brag Forum / proud dad
« on: June 20, 2011, 03:55:36 pm »
My daughter did a small project this afternoon.
I forgot to take the camera wile she was sawing, but the sanding and oil finish is caught on camera.

the letters JUF means female teacher in dutch.
it's her trial project for a key chain.  she wants to make one for her teacher birthday next week, with the name of the teacher.
To get some experience she made this on.

The Coffee Shop / Hanseatic city
« on: June 18, 2011, 11:04:08 am »
Like to share this with you.
bin to a hanseatic city called Doesburg today.
they had medieval day and a lot of people dressed up in medieval cloths.

What I like the most of these markets are the people who demonstrate the old crafts.
not all medieval but very nice.
I took some pictures, most of the craftsman and would share this with you,

look at the woodcarver. he carves 40 till 50 hours on one wooden shoe, so 100 hours for one set!!!

« on: June 15, 2011, 09:46:20 am »
A Canadian logging company needed to hire another lumberjack, the first guy to apply was a short little skinny fellow, who was laughed at by the manager and told to leave.

"Just give me a chance," the little guy pleaded.

"Okay," the manager replied, "Grab your axe and cut down that cedar over there."

Two minutes later he was back at the managers office, "Tree's cut. Do I get the job?"

"I don't beleive it, that is so much faster than even my best lumberjack could have done it. Where did you learn to use an axe like that?" the manager inquired.

"Sahara Forest," the little guy replied.

"Don't you mean the Sahara Desert," the manager corrected him.

"Sure, that's what they call it now."

« on: June 15, 2011, 09:42:18 am »
Some men in a pickup truck drove into a lumberyard. One of the men walked in the office and says, "We need some four-by-twos."

The clerk replies, "You mean two-by-fours, don't you?"

The guy scratches his head and says, "I'll go check," and goes back to the truck.

He returns and says, "Yeah, I meant two-by-four."

"All right. How long do you need them?"

The guy pauses for a minute and says, "I better go check." After a while, he returns to the office and says, "A long time. We're gonna build a house."

Brag Forum / Hummingbird
« on: June 14, 2011, 02:12:02 am »
Wreath is 1/2" hardwood ply with oak stain an clear lacker
Hummingbird is 1/4" baltic birch ply with clear lacker

Brag Forum / Finished product 2 ....Yea!
« on: May 27, 2011, 10:11:24 am »
My two Indian chiefs.

0.177" (4,5 mm) Baltic birch plywood finished with tung oil, orange oil
backer is 0.236" (6 mm) oak ply. (still have to glue them together)

did this project together with Danny.
both started last weekend.

Thanks Danny, It was great to do a project together!

General Scroll Saw Talk / advise for pricing amazing grace cross
« on: May 17, 2011, 01:37:38 pm »
someone saw a amazing grace cross that I've made and he want to buy it. (see pictures)
I normally don't sell my work so I wander what is a reasonable price for something like this.
their made of birch plywood with clear lacker finish. (one had tung oil before the lacker)

what is a good price?

The Coffee Shop / Having cat problems?
« on: May 14, 2011, 03:51:13 am »
Having cat problems?  :o
you might like this next video very much  8)

I know I do ::)

The Coffee Shop / Spring bike ride
« on: March 27, 2011, 11:23:12 am »
instead of scrolling I went riding on the bike this Sunday afternoon with my wife and daughter.
great weather, 60F and just a little wind.
I live in the area of the river IJssel and as you can see the bicycle path goes over the dike.
sometimes you ride between cows or sheep. :D (forgot to take a picture...) ::)

It's "so incredible"  ;)

Pattern Requests. / he's got the whole world
« on: March 13, 2011, 03:12:09 pm »
Hi, I'm looking for a pattern with "He's got the whole world in His hands".
if possible with 2 hands and a globe.
I was hoping that someone has a pattern of this (instead of making one myself  8))

General Scroll Saw Talk / bending blades
« on: March 02, 2011, 04:55:52 am »
Hi y'all,

I'm doing a project with stacked beech plywood, four layers of about 5/16" (+/- 3,2cm)
what's a bit new to me is that the blades will not do a quick turn but bend very much. (up to at least 50 or 60 degrees)
so it's almost impossible to make small corners. Image: Blue line normal cut, red line bend cut
I saw oak or merbau but had never had this much bending on a blade.
I tried both Flying Dutchman UR and TC #3 and #5.
#5 has less bending, but due to the small pattern I can't use #7  :(
the tension of the blade is good.
could this be due to the fact that the beech ply is very hard and has layers of glue?

does anyone recognize this problem?

Brag Forum / weekend projects
« on: February 27, 2011, 02:09:30 pm »
Bagholder 1

1/4" Baltic birch plywood

Pattern Requests. / 3 Trinket Boxes
« on: February 15, 2011, 01:57:10 pm »
Judy here's your request
 # 1 and # 2 look the same but they have different corners.

see also Brag:

Brag Forum / VD present 3
« on: February 12, 2011, 04:36:11 pm »
Trinket boxes

side = red cedar
top = (Merbau?) hardwood
finish = clear lacker

had to make several post because of forum regulations 384K

the last picture shows all 4 (every daughter gets her own) and includes the one for my wife to.

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