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Topics - Danny

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General Scroll Saw Talk / Secret Santa Christmas Ornament.... :+}
« on: October 30, 2012, 08:42:46 am »
Yee Pee Yea!  I FINALLY know who I will be a Secret Santa for.  Yea!  Can't wait to put mine in the mail.  Yea!  Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Using Packing Tape.... :+}
« on: October 29, 2012, 06:00:25 pm »
I know....I Know....  A Lot of you wrap clear packing tape all around your cutting blanks.  I did it ONE TIME and did not like having to peel that clear sticky tape off
the back side of the last blank.  I can understand the tape some what Lubricates
the blade as it cuts.  I know dgman to each his own.  LOL  Beat Yas.... 

Could I see a vote of who uses this method and who don't?

PROS N CONS are ALWAYS wELCOME....  Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Portrait out of Veneer?
« on: October 25, 2012, 11:05:54 am »
Has anyone heard of or has cut a Portrait out of a sheet of Veneer?
Not sure I would want to try this, but would LOVE to hear all of your Feelings.
                                                          Thanks....  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / The Cute Lil Puppy and z Old Boot.... :+}
« on: October 24, 2012, 02:19:53 pm »
I have seen this pattern posted here and after seeing it I just had to cut some for myself.
Used the good ole 1/8" BB stacked in 4 layers.  All cut Wonderfully.  Can someone help me
with giving credit to the Designer?  Don't know.

And of course I am gonna set them out FOR SALE at my Show in a few weeks.
            And as MY usual....  Always Love to read how much Mullah you would charge.

Looking Forward to reading the Pros n z Cons....  Danny  :+}

Just out of Wonder I bought me a can of Shellac.  Followed directions and was amazed at how the first coat brought out the grain.  Same or better than the previous same project using the BLO/Spirits did.  Have not EVER used Shellac AND I would LOVE to hear others that used this and their experiences.  Thanks....  Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / Old China Number Two....Duh! LOL
« on: October 13, 2012, 02:18:35 pm »
FORGOT TO SHOW PICTURES....  Blush....Hehe....  :+}

The Coffee Shop / Old China.... :+}
« on: October 13, 2012, 02:16:30 pm »
Just inquiring whether this China is worth Millions or time to call Good Will.  LOL
I inherited it.  It is a complete 12 piece setting.  Has all the fancy serving dishes.
Here is a couple pics.  Hoping that someone knows about this.  Oh yea I know the complete set was in a China Cabinet for well over 20 years.  Anyway....  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Taking a break on Ornaments.... :+}
« on: October 13, 2012, 11:09:28 am »
Had these two patterns that were given by friends in my file.  Decided to cut something BIGGER than the lil tiny ornaments.  Was a lot of FUN cutting these.
Piece of Cake so to speak.  LOL  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Christmas Ornaments.... :+}
« on: October 12, 2012, 10:52:43 am »
Good T.G.I.F. to Everyone.
     Well I have my Annual Craft Show in less than a month.  I have displayed 3/4's of the ornaments that I have Finished.  I cut all using 1/8" BB and stacked each in FIVE layers.
I like COLOR, so u can see I painted many.  Of course NATURAL wood always looks good.

I have my thoughts and feelings about what my asking price will be....BUT....With so many
of you that do craft shows I would appreciate your input on what you would charge.

And of course I always like to here the Pros and also the Cons.  Thanks....  Danny:+}

Pattern Requests. / Wondering about Charlie....
« on: September 29, 2012, 02:15:42 pm »
Hey to All....  I would like to contact Charles Dearing for future design work for me.
Could anyone lead me on on his email or address or tele. number?  Tks....  Danny :+}

The Coffee Shop / Words to Ponder.... :+}
« on: September 24, 2012, 03:12:53 pm »
This was written by a very dear childhood friend of mine.  I read it and reflect on
some of my recent feelings.  Almost parallel to his.  Time is Precious.  Danny  :+}

We?ve been told many times that life is like a race, the older one gets the more I don?t know if that is a proper description of life. I look at it as if time is the race. Life is the anti-race.


When we are young, things move at such a slow pace. When we are young, time means nothing, we have all the time in the world. We can waste it by doing nothing, by getting in trouble or by being away from ones family. One can not waste what one has so much of, or at least that is what we think.


I don?t really know when I became aware of how precious time was, but I believe it was during a personal crisis situation. I would think it was the time I lost my children, not by death, but by separation. Some of you know what that feels like while others my say it came during a crisis of health or finance. It really does not matter when actually, but we are all in it now with both feet.

We may have all the money we need, the health we want and the family to bond with, but we are all aware of the one thing, money, or power can not grant us???..time.


We should realize it is a waste of such a precious commodity to spend it on being anger, being mad, self-pride, or having an unforgiving nature. Who cares who says "I?m sorry first, or I love you? We don?t need to take the time to keep score of how many times one have to do dishes or cooked dinner or walked the dogs? When you are down to that last second, one will give anything to have enough time to walk those precious loving pets. Or cook one more meal for your family or tell your child or mate how much you love them.


Time, what a valued gift the Lord has given us. Only he knows how much is in our account. Have we wasted it? Or have we spent it well.


I can look back as a youth when a day would last forever, a week was an eternity. Now a day is but a blink of an eye, to put off something until tomorrow is to gamble with your most precious asset.


Get on the phone and tell that someone you are sorry, ask for their forgiveness. Tell them you love them. Use your time well. Don?t waste it on things that make no difference. Don?t associate with people who do not make you happy. Love without conditions, and play the game with honor and to the last breath.


The journey is hard and time is short, So,I for one will carry my wounded, but I will not wait for the stragglers.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Cutting Portraits.... :+}
« on: September 24, 2012, 11:12:50 am »
Well I have been Scrolling for many years and have  big inventory or various portraits.
Can remember way, way back yonder with the leaning times.  I have learned and have always used 1/4" stock.  Always cut stack of two.  Finished cutting a portrait of my Mother last month and wanted to have copies for sister n brothers and myself, so I used 1/8" BB.  All FOUR copies came out OUTSTANDING.  Of course its due to using Flying Dutchman Blades.  Yea!  My Question....  What is the preference among everyone on this subject?                   Danny  :+}

P.S.  Oh yea....  In my feelings I think the 1/8 BB looks much better when framed than
        any of the portraits I have used the 1/4 BB. 

Computer questions / Microsoft Office Question.... :+}
« on: September 11, 2012, 06:34:59 pm »
Our last PC (gone) had Microsoft Office-Excel-Spreadsheet etc. and I really got into the Spreadsheet portion.  Kept a going thing for lots of things.  Anyway I am not wealthy enough to buy the advertised Microsoft Office that pops up sometimes.  I have been checking into good ole GOOGLE and it looks like there are lots of FREE software out there.  I am always leary of downloading ANYTHING.  Could you suggest a Safe Download of this?

Thank-e in advance....  Danny  :+}

Computer questions / Connecting a VCR to T.V. ----?
« on: September 06, 2012, 02:53:01 pm »
As some know the wife n I splurged on a big, big LED tv....  Before we used our
20 year old console.  Hey it still works good.  I have figured out how to connect
the DVR to the TV.  Works great....NOW....  We still like to watch VCR's sometimes.
The VCR is pretty old, but has always did its job.  Ran out of the RCA lil jacks on the back of the TV.  Alls left is on the side.  Four different (USB) type connectors.  Their labeled ....  DVI....ARC....HDMI  and there is a USB port.  The VCR has the old style
cable connector along with the RCA part.  Can anyone lead me on?  Thanks, Danny:+}

Pattern Requests. / Request for Information.... :+}
« on: August 28, 2012, 08:50:11 am »
I have a real strong urge to start learning how to design Portraits and other Scrolling projects.  Being on the low end of learning from reading can some of you designers or others lead me on to a program that wouldn't be to awfully hard to learn. 

Thanks to Everyone in Advance....  Danny  :+}

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