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Topics - Marcellarius

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The Coffee Shop / looking for a joke
« on: October 19, 2011, 10:18:58 am »
a time ago there was a joke on ths forum about a man who get a new chainsaw and did a lot of sawing with it.
then after some weeks he spoke to someone and he didn't new that he could start the chainsaw.
botom line: used the chainsaw as a regular saw.......

cant find it  dit searched on many words.
does anyone know this joke or the post it's in?

General Scroll Saw Talk / Ornament exchange and avatar/mugshot 2
« on: October 10, 2011, 07:16:04 am »
I posted a topic in the coffee shop.
get a reaction that it might be a better Idea to post it in the general scrollsaw talk because not everyone is looking in the coffee shop.
so, here's my thought.

I noticed that not everyone has his or her picture in the avatar or mugshot section.
so I can imagine that some of us don't know for who are making an ornament.
therefor a call to all of us to upload a picture to the mugshot section or to change your avatar with a picture and everyone knows the face he/she is making the exchange for.

Brag Forum / Keychain
« on: October 07, 2011, 03:29:09 am »

I made a key chain for someone who is 10 weeks pregnant.
added two baby feet with the exact size of the feet from a 10 weeks old fetus.
the feet are 0.374" long.

it's made of 0,236" beech plywood and finished with a clear lacker.

The Coffee Shop / Ornament exchange and avatar/mugshot
« on: October 07, 2011, 03:21:44 am »
Just a thought.
I noticed that not everyone has his or her picture in the avatar or mugshot section.
so I can imagine that some of us don't know for who are making an ornament.
therefor a call to all of us to upload a picture to the mugshot section or to change your avatar with a picture and everyone knows the face he/she is making the exchange for.

Brag Forum / tooth box & key chain
« on: September 27, 2011, 01:55:54 pm »
Tooth box:
made one tooth box for our dentist.
they (both man and woman are dentist) have a new baby boy and this tooth box has the logo of his company.
top/bottom = Baltic birch
logo = beech
side = red cedar
finish = clear lacker

Key chain:
a colleague became 50 years so i made him a key chain with his name
wood = beech ply
finish = clear lacker

posted also a "all together" picture with the cross on it.

Brag Forum / Amazing cross
« on: September 27, 2011, 01:46:12 pm »
birch plywood with six layers clear lacker.
made two by stack cutting.

Brag Forum / Holiday piglet fun
« on: July 30, 2011, 04:25:55 pm »
here's the story:

I'm on vacation an the camping. yesterday I showed some of my scroll saw work to my neighbors.
we have a lot mud at the entrance of our field.
this morning the woman said to my wife, "can't Marcel make a pig for in the mud?"
so my daughter and I started to make two piglets for the entrance of our field.
had to use a jigsaw instead of my scroll saw, but it came out good i think.
My wife made photo's of the whole process, so I show the total process of this afternoon work.

poplar plywood with acrylic paint.

General Scroll Saw Talk / mystic tree's
« on: July 28, 2011, 12:06:32 pm »
I was on holiday in Sweden en met G?ran Torin.

this man, (with a big graybeard) wrote a book on tree's in Sweden with a story.
he told me there are more then 1100-1200 protected trees (forgot the exact number) and next to these trees he found more special trees, so his total of special tree's is about 1800 or so.
unfortunately the book was in Swedish, but I would like to
share his website over the books with you.

website translated with google gives, but it has a few of his story's.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Twisted tree's
« on: July 27, 2011, 08:19:37 am »
In Sweden I saw this twisted tree's, don't know if all trees twist like this but I find it very nice to see.

Ask Steve a question. / Gallery "next" button
« on: July 08, 2011, 04:32:36 am »
Hello Steve,

would it be possible to get a "next" and "previous" button in the gallery?
this would make it easier to go from one to the other picture.


Brag Forum / Aluminum key chain
« on: July 08, 2011, 03:50:14 am »
aluminum 5/64 thick
I found it hard to saw, a lot of flapping, the blade grabs the material real easy.
used some #0 blades special for iron to cut in the A and M.
only on the A I wasted 5 blades  >:(
as soon as I went back a little and turned it just a fraction the blade snapped.....
but Mikes FD-UR #2 and #3 blades cut like a hot knife trough butter!

Brag Forum / Jesus fish
« on: July 08, 2011, 02:56:23 am »
one made of oak and one of red cedar
both finished with lemon and tung oil

The Coffee Shop / Hey Frank....
« on: June 30, 2011, 01:20:11 pm »
What is that what I see on you avatar picture?
do you have a new look or did you lose the mustache because you were to close to the scroll saw? hahaha
looks good, you look a couple of years younger :o

The Coffee Shop / Father daughter evening
« on: June 26, 2011, 03:54:53 pm »
Saturday evening I went to a father daughter evening.
this was organized by a TV program Checkpoint from our only evangelic broadcast station.
It was on the location of the KNVB, our Royal Dutch Soccer Federation
it was from 16:15 till 22:30 and w did all kind of games.
teams were made from +/- 7 fathers an daughters. which competed to the other teams.
we even played a short soccer game.
but there was also a bible study for the fathers. being a dad and having a daughter from a biblical point a view.
the bonding was most important.
we did also a craft workshop and there was food and drinks!

what a great evening. doing this with my daughter.
I want to share this with you.

here some photo's:

for an impression of the Father son day last year watch the video on the website TV program checkpoint

General Scroll Saw Talk / Dark BLO
« on: June 25, 2011, 08:52:05 am »
Hi there,

in reaction on a topic to darken BLO I bought some brown oil paint.
thinned it with mineral spirits and BLO
+/-  5% paint, 20% spirits and 75 BLO

applied it to a piece of Baltic birch and this is the result.

A is original wood
B wood with BLO
C wood with dark BLO

don't know how long it stays this way but it is darker and looks good.
the grain contrast is high.

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