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Topics - iggygiles

Pages: 1 [2]
Introduce Yourself. / Hi People
« on: May 22, 2011, 10:02:14 am »
        My name is Ian Giles, I have been an admirer of your comprehensive site for some time now and have been getting mail from Steve every day for a few months and have accumulated enough stuff to keep me going for years. By the way Steve thank you for returning my accidental double payment for the Jig Saw pattern maker (Now returned as a donation)
        I am now retired and have all the time in the world to get on with it, in my 22' x 12' garage. I have bought a load of machines and hope to spend the rest of my usefull life in there doing what I love best. I have never done woodwork professionally but have been to College to learn how to keep my fingers in tact as a cabinet maker. I find the smaller stuff harder and more exacting therefore more interesting.
        Thanks again for your dedication to a well run active site, long may it continue, I hope to be an asset and not a pain in the a$$.
Iggy Giles.  

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