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Topics - cliveg

Pages: 1 [2]
General Scroll Saw Talk / great place
« on: March 19, 2011, 01:08:19 pm »
being new to scrolling what a great place this is everyone is freindly and helpfull
i am now spending all my spare time looking and searching this forum for ideas
and find everyone helpfull why dont we have somthing like this in the uk thanks to all of you
for making this the greatest site regs clive

General Scroll Saw Talk / dewaltr 788 in the uk
« on: March 05, 2011, 03:27:54 pm »
sorry but i dont know to much about shipping how much and if poss would it cost to ship a dewalt to the uk
i buy all my blades from united states  would parts be a problem to ship and does most u s dealers ship to the uk

Pattern Requests. / help please pattern makers
« on: March 04, 2011, 02:32:39 pm »
pattern required for a lady who lets me source timber from her place english oak cherry and yew
i am new to scroll sawing and would like this done if poss not sure if the picture will show as ive never done this before

General Scroll Saw Talk / belt sander
« on: February 24, 2011, 03:26:25 pm »
just playing in the shed and thinking how do i tell the wife i need to spend 200
quid (english money) on a disc sander or somthing to sand boxes ect already
use my pillar drill to sand so what ive done is place my belt sander on a peice of ply 1" (side down)
and marked and cut it with my jigsaw now sits flat on the bench giving me a 3.5 x 10 inch sanding area
and no cuts and bruises

General Scroll Saw Talk / tilting scroll saw
« on: February 21, 2011, 04:24:31 am »
i have been thinking about tilting my saw slightly up at the back to hopfully make it
more comfortable when scrolling is there any thing i should be weary of will i need to clamp saw
extra weight ect very sorry if this has been posted b4 but i have  not found it yet
thanks and what a fantastic place this is

Pattern Requests. / pattern needed please
« on: February 19, 2011, 01:17:16 pm »
i think i saw a pattern of a lad on a motor cross bike somwhere on here but cant seem to find it now
please help if you know where it is

Pattern Requests. / need a pattern please
« on: February 15, 2011, 04:05:07 pm »
my sister turned up today and saw some scroll work i had ben doing and has asked me
to do a dog she has a blood hound black and red saddled being a loorry driver 4 30 yrs
my computor skills are limited (1 fingered willy)i know this is a bit of a cheek as i only read posts
and dont post piccies ect but my son has told me he will come down at the w/end and show me how to put piccies on here so i promise  to get more involved regs clive

Introduce Yourself. / hi from oxfordshire uk
« on: January 16, 2011, 07:38:33 am »
hi iam clive and new to scrolling i like metal detcting messing with wood due to disability ive had to stop driving hgvs and now with time on hands i am starting this very adicive hobby i had a scroll saw given to me and now cant stay away will be looking to buy a henger next but at the mo gunna play with this 1 wot a fantastic forum this is regs clive

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