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Topics - rfielder

Pages: 1 [2]
General Scroll Saw Talk / Best Wood for Thin Walls
« on: June 22, 2018, 11:36:19 am »
Just did one of Steve's patterns, "God Loves Cowboys".  This was done in pine, partly because that is what I had available, partly as a test of the just-purchase new (to me) Excalibur EX-21. and partly as a first pass at a moderately complicated pattern (for me).

Pine is pretty soft, so I had my doubts that it was a good choice given the thin walls in many places.  As expected, the wood broke easily in one place, and a piece of wood was broken off when using my mop sander.  Not overly upset that the final product was ruined - I had not really thought it would stand up, and it was great practice.

What is a good choice for thin walled patterns?  I know that Steve says that his favourites as walnut and maple.  I can also get oak fairly easily.  Which is best to give some strength to thin patterns?


General Scroll Saw Talk / Accent Lines on Pieces
« on: May 11, 2018, 11:30:19 am »
Two patterns I may be trying are the mini dragon clock ( the boot clock (

On both of these, there seem to be access lines that are not cut.

On the boot, line delineate the sole, and the pull tab.

On the dragon, lines show detail in the wings.

Am I correct in assuming these lines were hand drawn after cutting was complete?

What is best for this sort of line - pencil, magic market with fine tip, paint?  I am just not sure how these will react when a finish is applied.

I would also assume that if you are finishing the wood with a stain or dye, this should be done before the lines are drawn.  Is this correct?

Sorry - these may be very basic questions, but I can't find a reference to this information by searching here, and have not seen anything about adding accent lines in any of the videos on scrollsawing.

Has anyone here used a wood called Padauk?

It has a really neat red colour.

I did a little bit with it, and I am not sure the back of the pattern didn't get some tear out - but then again, I was not using a blade with reverse teeth.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Wood Selection for Scrollsaw Patterns
« on: May 09, 2018, 12:54:25 pm »
I see a huge number of great patterns here.  Most have a photo of the finished product.

At least, I think they are photos.  They may be images from SketchUp, or some similar product, with surface textures added.

None of the patterns have suggestions for wood or finishes to achieve what was used in the photos.  The images look great, but it is hard to guess what wood was used or how it was finished.

For those of us getting started, knowing what wood exist and what is available in our area can be a challenge.  Ideas of what to look for can be very helpful.

Ask Steve a question. / Amazon Orders in Canada
« on: May 03, 2018, 05:43:17 pm »
Steve - I am in Canada.

I order from as much as possible.

Your links lead to, of course.  Would you know if there is a way to get credit to you for orders from

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