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Topics - Marcellarius

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Toy Makers / need a idea for a game
« on: January 21, 2012, 12:19:55 pm »
hello I'm Yentl, daughter of Marcel. :)

for a school project i have to make a (travel)game for more than 1 person.
on a 4"x4" ?" thick pine board.
the game should be played in the car, the train or the plain.
i don't want to make: tic-tac-toe :P (everybody does)
do you have some idea's or patterns of games i could make? ???

Yentl ;)

The Coffee Shop / we had quit a strange evening last night.
« on: January 21, 2012, 09:18:50 am »
My youngest daughter (12yo) was to a youth-night of our church, she goes there every Friday night.
on the way back she was with some friends and the road was covered with some ice.
three kids felt of there bikes and my daughter was the third one.
she fell back wards with the back of her head on the edge of the sidewalk.....
this all happened  half a mile away from our home so after we get a a call  :o and went over with the car.
she had lot of pain and blood on the back of her head.  we went home first and later to the emergency doctor at 23:15.
had to drive 12 miles to the doctors post.....   >:(
she had a large 1" wound :o and the doctor put in  two stitches, he also was thinking that she has a brain concussion, we had to wake her every 1,5 hour all night.
to get rid of all the excitement we went to MC Donald's at 00:30 for some ice cream and hamburgers. LOL  ;)

today she still has a head ache but seems to be OK.  :)

The Coffee Shop / Flu
« on: January 10, 2012, 10:27:00 am »
well folks, bin down for a couple of days now.
the flu..... 101-102F and pain everywere...  >:(
no sawing here right now, in fact even this computer stuff is to much.
but can't lie in bed or on the couch whole day, so read some stuff every now and then.

hope this topic doesn't infect anybody....  ;)

General Scroll Saw Talk / Peugeot ???
« on: December 30, 2011, 09:48:24 am »
In the praktiker store I saw a Peugeot scrollsaw 400V
couldn't find it on the web shop but in an other web shop I saw it.
thought they only made cars....... 8)

does anyone know this brand and saw?
it looked quit heavy and was cheap. (about $330)
didn't saw a quick release on the front....

General Scroll Saw Talk / Thin Plywood 2,5/64 and 5/64 (1mm and 2mm)
« on: December 30, 2011, 09:33:21 am »
Hey folks,

I used Torstens advice and went to the Pratiker store in Germany today.
bought me some thin BB plywood 2,5/64 and 5/64 (1mm and 2mm). about 19,7"x27,5" (50x70 cm)
it has a great grain and has almost a shiny gloss.

cant wait to make some stuff of it.

The Coffee Shop / Gene the Hero
« on: December 29, 2011, 02:39:55 am »
Congrats Gene, you've got your 500 posts!!

your a hero now!

Brag Forum / Adore him ornaments
« on: December 18, 2011, 01:59:19 pm »
Some Ornaments I made this afternoon.
4 ornaments stacked cutting.
1/8" (3mm) Baltic birch
gonna put them in a Christmas card

Pattern Requests. / peanutbar pattern
« on: December 10, 2011, 03:42:07 am »
Hi folks,

some of you asked for the pattern so here it is.

the top is out of plywood
the rest is pine.
the round part is beech.

if you have questions, just ask  ;)

Brag Forum / second Santa's ornaments
« on: December 09, 2011, 09:19:40 am »
Hey folks,

I received some ornaments from a second (secret) Santa.
one with a beard and a great smile  ;)

so had to show them to you!

Brag Forum / brush holder
« on: December 09, 2011, 09:15:47 am »
originally designed for toothbrushes but I use it to put in pens an pencils.

Brag Forum / some ornaments
« on: December 09, 2011, 09:12:17 am »
just a few i made

Brag Forum / 30 bird feeders
« on: December 09, 2011, 05:43:04 am »
I made 30 bird feeders.
someone asked me to made this for our church. (I don't sell them, I just get my materials payed)
they are for the elderly and ill people as a Christmas gift.
so they can enjoy the birds in the garden eating peanut butter  :D

was e great project. my brother in law came to help me quit a few evenings with sanding, gluing and painting.
and also my wife was helping painting.
so actually it's not my project but our project.

So look here to see a few pictures of the process.

seeing this you now know why i asked the gluing painted parts question.
all the Small corners are hard to sand properly.

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / glue for painted parts
« on: December 08, 2011, 07:58:48 am »
Hi you all,

I wonder if you have any ideas on gluing parts that are already painted.
normally I glue my parts before painting, but with small corners and tiny places sanding is real hard to do properly.
so if I paint the parts first this would be better.
the only glue advise i get is from Bison and the say use the 2 component "kombi power".
what kind of glue do you use for this way of working?

The Coffee Shop / I've got it to!
« on: November 18, 2011, 11:13:47 am »
The mailman made may day!!  ;D
I  have my ornaments.
yes, not 1 but 2 and I love it!

gonna hang them in the window first, because the tree isn't standing jet....

So "secret"  Santa: THANKS!!!

The Coffee Shop / your opinion/experience
« on: November 11, 2011, 04:03:04 am »
Hey there,

my daughter asked me if any of your daughters have any experience with the website:

she wants to buy a prom dress and I guess she wants to know if the service and quality is OK.

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