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Topics - Marcellarius

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Brag Forum / Girls soccer trophy's
« on: May 21, 2012, 03:24:54 am »
I made 3 soccer trophy's for my co-worker who is coach of a girl soccer team.
they have a soccer camp next weekend (Pentecost is a long weekend for us) and he asked me to make some thropy's.
the base is oak and the trophy Baltic birch all finished with clear lacker.
the trophy is 5" in diameter.
in fact this is my first project that I sold. not that I make any money, just the material cost.
well, it's hobby ;)

The Coffee Shop / ascension day
« on: May 17, 2012, 03:32:51 pm »
In Holland we had ascension day today, it's a national holiday and everyone has the day of.
tradition is to make long walks or bicycle rides, but also visiting flea markets and fairs.
I did the last thing with my girls. we had nice weather and quit a lot of sun.
most people in Holland (including me) will take the day of tomorrow as well.
so a long weekend, great!

Brag Forum / Wolf
« on: May 01, 2012, 02:12:18 pm »
just posted my wolf project in the gallery

The Coffee Shop / Missing Harold "HWPlmbr1"
« on: May 01, 2012, 01:33:17 pm »
Hey you all,
haven't heard from Harold for quit a while now.
I looked it up and he hasn't been on the forum since November 2011!!
he was doing a job interview and sounded a little down then, in my opinion.
I send him a PM but was wandering if anyone here has still contact with him?
or know if he is doing OK?

Brag Forum / Jaguar
« on: April 15, 2012, 12:57:42 pm »
A pattern from Grampa.

My daughter requested me if I would make something for her to hang on her bedroom wall.
because she loves Jaguar's the choice was easy.

Made of 1/8" BB on a 5/32" MDF backer, finished with clear lacker.
used FD blades, UR and TC both #3.

The Coffee Shop / Quit 2
« on: April 14, 2012, 03:58:30 am »
I have been at the side a Little due to the death of my aunt.
she was kind like a second mother to me.
I and had to arrange the funeral.
she had a long struggle with cancer and lost......

At this time I'm busy cleaning the house and get rid of all the furniture and so.(luckily I have help of my nephew)
all that stuff brings up a lot of (some emotional) memories.
takes quit some time, also because it's more than a hour to drive to her city every time.
I try to read a few posts now and then, but don't reply as much as I use to.
this will come back after a wile when I'm less busy.

Brag Forum / key chain
« on: March 23, 2012, 05:56:24 am »
made two out of beech bed slats.
3/8" thick and finished it with BLO and orange oil.

Brag Forum / Lion-Lamb
« on: March 19, 2012, 04:11:11 am »
With easter coming I would make something special so I made this pattern and project.
due to the fact I'm not a good pattern maker, the pattern had a lot of small curves pieces.
way to small even for the UR #2/0 or the Penguin #1 (on the computer screen pieces smaller the 1/64 can look quit big 8))
but along the way tried to follow the lines as best as could and every here and there a small part was skipped.
that's the beauty of scrolling after you take away the pattern, nobody can see that you skipped some  ::)  

stacked 3 pieces of A4 (11.7x8.3) 1/8 (3mm) thick baltich birch plywood.
didn't finished it yet, can't make up my mind if I would use lacker or oil on this project

General Scroll Saw Talk / saw table
« on: March 01, 2012, 02:56:30 am »
I started to build a saw table for my Hegner.
it's not finished jet, but would like to share it already.
it's 34" high and it can be separated.
it's the same height as the hegner saw table and great with a sitting on a bar stool or standing.
adjust the height of the foot resting support  and the foot switch.
I can take of the top part and that's 19.7" high and thats a good height to sit on a dinner chair.
used a threaded rod to adjust the angle of the saw.
at the front there will be a panel with a kind of funnel.
and I'm going to hang a bag in it so the sawdust will fall into the back.
I made is quick and functional, not for the looks, so it's build mostly from scrap wood.
when finished I will give it a stain or so.

it works great, can run on full speed and no really vibration. can feel it in the foot support that the saw is running but it runs significant quieter then when it was mounted on the old kitchen table.

Brag Forum / lonesome scout saw
« on: February 26, 2012, 02:53:33 pm »
handle made of ocoume ply, blade of 3/8" Baltic Birch.
had some problems with the lacker on the handle, finally after 12 layers spraying and sanding....
made it for a colleague who saw in his arm with a chainsaw this winter.....
hadn't had time before so it's a late "get well" gift.

General Scroll Saw Talk / burned some wood ....
« on: February 25, 2012, 02:11:01 pm »
I have a plastic box (about 13"x16"x23") filled with all kind op nice pieces of wood.
oak, beech, apricot, cherry, and also some 1,5"vine branches.
most wood sawed in 1/4 and 1/2" thick pieces. did some intarsia and intend to do more.
my special wood box!!!!
opened the box today  and there it was: lots of sawdust coming out the vine and apricot.
it was all over the box. guess some kind of woodworm's.
did see some other little bugs walking .....
Didn't took me long to decide what to do.
don't want the little bugs eating my other wood so I burned everything.  >:(
didn't try to safe some of the wood it might have bugs or egs.... better save then sorry! :(
looking at the flames it did hurt my heart to see so much nice wood go in flames.

so to all: check your wood every now and then!

General Scroll Saw Talk / lacker problems on ocoume ply
« on: February 24, 2012, 02:32:02 am »
Hey you all,

I have made a lonesome scout saw and made the handles out of a hardwood plywood.
think it's called ocoume ply or so.
I  have problems with the lacker on the ply.  there keep coming little holes in the lacker. even after 7 layers.
I do sand (400grid) a little between the layers.
the other part/piece is made of Baltic Birch and have no problem there.

when I spray the lacker it's making a nice smooths shiny surface on the wood.
And then, in a minute or so there will be starting to come little spots in it.
looks like little holes were the lacker is sucked in.
but I guess it's due to air that's getting out. don't know what to do with it.

I didn't used oil before the lacker, just sprayed it right on.


The Coffee Shop / do you need a new dyson vacuum cleaner?
« on: January 25, 2012, 02:12:29 pm »
really great Dyson vacuum cleaner. 
 ;D :D ;D

Brag Forum / Give Thanks (Arpop)
« on: January 25, 2012, 01:58:44 pm »
I made the Arpop "give thanks" pattern.

made it out 1/8" BB plywood.
did a 4 layer stack cut with a #3 UR blade.

stained the backer dark with a old stain called "water stain".
it's a very old can, really thin stuff and smells like ammonia.
the stain isn't for sale anymore because of environmental issues.
I don't want to trough it away so every now and then I will use it until I have no more.
one the picture I did one coat of clear lacker. have done some more already.

Pattern Requests. / need an idea for a game
« on: January 21, 2012, 12:21:02 pm »
hello I'm Yentl, daughter of Marcel. :)

for a school project i have to make a (travel)game for more than 1 person.
on a 4"x4" ?" thick pine board.
the game should be played in the car, the train or the plain.
i don't want to make: tic-tac-toe :P (everybody does)
do you have some idea's or patterns of games i could make? ???

Yentl ;)

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