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Messages - scrollfinch

Pages: [1]
The Coffee Shop / Re: How is Corona effecting your life?
« on: April 29, 2020, 11:51:10 am »
Hello Friends!
I stay in Austria (Europe). The shut down here was done very early, but step by step. At march 13th shut down was finished. Boarders were closed. schools, bars, restausants, hotels, shopping center and all shops are closed. Only food stores, pharmacys and drug stores are open. We all have to keep distance. If possible, business is done in home office. My wife had to stay at home from job for 5 weeks. We all had to stay at home.
Now shut down is ending step by step. All shops are now open agein. Shopping center will open at may 2nd. also our barber. My wife is now back in job - first for one day in the week.
Movie theaters, bars and night clubs are still closed for a longer time, also hotels. Restaurants will open in 2 weeks, but with a reduced number of tables to stay in distance.
In this time we moved in our weekend house. So I can use my workshop there to do some scrolling and other wood working.
Stay healthy!

Introduce Yourself. / New Member from Austria (Europe)
« on: April 29, 2020, 06:57:34 am »
Hello friends!
I'm new here! My name is Hartmut Fink. I'm also a new scroller! Sometime ago I bought a cheap new Scheppach scroll saw. I did some projects from Steve. His pattern are great. Now I enjoy my Scroll Saw and I can not stop scrolling. :)
This is one of my first projects. The pattern are from Steve.
May be, my english is a little bit poor for my native Language is German - Sorry.

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