Cannon Game
Angle: 45°, Power: 50%
How to Play:
- Click "Start Game" to begin.
- Adjust the cannon angle using the "Angle Up" and "Angle Down" buttons or Up/Down arrow keys. (Minimum angle: 20°)
- Set the firing power using the "Power Up" and "Power Down" buttons or Left/Right arrow keys.
- Click the "Fire!" button or press Spacebar to launch the projectile.
- Try to hit the green tank on the right side of the screen.
- The tank will move to a new random position after each successful hit.
- You have 15 shots to score as many hits as possible.
- The game ends after 15 shots. Click "Play Again" to start a new game.
Tip: You may need to adjust both angle and power to hit targets at different distances. Good luck!