Cannon Game
Angle: 45°, Power: 50%

How to Play:

  1. Click "Start Game" to begin.
  2. Adjust the cannon angle using the "Angle Up" and "Angle Down" buttons or Up/Down arrow keys. (Minimum angle: 20°)
  3. Set the firing power using the "Power Up" and "Power Down" buttons or Left/Right arrow keys.
  4. Click the "Fire!" button or press Spacebar to launch the projectile.
  5. Try to hit the green tank on the right side of the screen.
  6. The tank will move to a new random position after each successful hit.
  7. You have 15 shots to score as many hits as possible.
  8. The game ends after 15 shots. Click "Play Again" to start a new game.

Tip: You may need to adjust both angle and power to hit targets at different distances. Good luck!