I have bought some parts to get a proper dust blower setup. The parts I'm using are also used on other scroll saws and are original used for coolant aid on multi-axle router systems in the industry. one of these sets costs 14.50 Euro (~20$). check out the local shops for the Loc-Line System, you can get different sets.
Build together (needs quite some force) I got a 6" long pipe.
I mounted it to the existing pipe at my Hegner, using some duct tape to hold the adjustable hose on the pipe and also to attach the silikon tube of the fish tank pump
Now I have a pretty cool system that I can push upwards when not needed and pull back down when wanted into same place it has been in before.
If you've read carefully, you'd reconozie I wrote
one of them costs ~20$. Well, I ordered 2 sets. With the second set I want to create some dust vaccum device, that I also mount to the saw. I don't know yet exactly, but I want a silent cyclone type of system. More to come as I manage to create some.